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OSU Projects

International student’s survival guide:
Middle East

Senior thesis project, the idea was to create a guide book for international students from the middle east to help them cope with their new environment. The guide book provides information on the services the school provides as well as information on public transportation in area. It also answers many of the common question middle eastern students have, like where and how they can get food that complies with their religious requirements. .

Fifty50 Rebrand

Fifty50 is company that provides consumer goods (mainly food) for diabetics.The company donates half the proceeds to research, which benefits diabetics.The company was lunched in 1992 and hasn’t updated its image since. The rebrand focuses and one of the company’s goals which is making it easy to manage diabetes. The new look focuses reflects smart and healthy choices and lifestyle. .

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"Wish You Were Here" Card Collection

​​A three-card collection, each one was designed
to represent a relationship. The design
only uses the phrase "wish you were here,"
or letterforms from that phrase.

As time passes 

This is a clock that represents the passage

of time as it is perceived by its designer.
The design uses either the digits from 0 to 9 and is also a functioning clock.


This project imagines what the ten-year anniversary program for the Portland, Oregon women's film festival might look like. The idea behind it was to create something elegant that would attract the attention of the film industry.

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